Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Case C-1: Merrill Lynch: Integrated Choice

Case C-1Merrill-Lynch : Integrated Choice (AbrigdedIntroductionCharles E . Merrill laid the foundations of the fellowship in 1914 . His vision was to make the fiscal markets accessible to every individual This way Merrill-Lynch became a pioneer in take Wall Street to the common manMerrill-Lynch creates money from ii principal(prenominal) divisions in business : Wealth counseling collection institutional customer root . Within the Wealth Management Group two product categories exist : brokerage lending and addition counseling portfolio function . Another part of the Wealth Management Group is U .S . personal throng . U .S . Private group serves individuals , SMEs , and employee benefit plans using a planning-based approach to extend capital , asset , liability and transition management services . Merrill-Lynch has pro gressed so much over the years through its employees . It is a employee kind firm . Having nearly 14 ,000 financial advisors spreadhead crosswise 750 offices throughout the U .S Merrill-Lynch poses to be a great financial support , service and product provider .
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The 750 offices account to clxxx vice presidents , who in turn reported to 25 soil managers and finally to two national sales managers . These super happy financial consultants worked with clients to help them manage their assets . Financial Consultants at Merrill-Lynch were highly ranked and were trained further at the gild . ab initio for the first two years each consulta nt spend time in training and initial prosp! ecting for clients . each consultants at Merrill-Lynch initially get fixed pays and later on their packages be managed through complex formulae . Consultants at Merrill-Lynch were considered very entrepreneurial and in like manner had...If you want to get a full essay, bon ton it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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