Monday, May 4, 2020

About the questionnaire on social studies homosexuality free essay sample

I have chosen the above topic because I want to xamine whether homosexuality among the youth in Barbados is as wide spread among the youth as the literature would have us believe. I also want to gain some insight as to how students of the 15-17 age group feel about homosexuality among the youth in Barbados. I am seeking your assistance in the completion of the questionnaire. Your name was randomly selected from the complete list of all the students in the fifth year at the school. Do not place your name on the questionnaire. Please answer all the questions honestly and truthfully. Remember this is not a test there is no right and wrong answers. When completed, place the questionnaire in the self addressed envelope and return it to the Secretary Treasurers office within two weeks from the date given. All information will be strictly confidential and will be used only for the stated purpose. The study has many limitations and will not provide a comprehensive guide to all the answers sought, because it involves just a very small population of the youth in Barbados. This study will however provide some valuable insights into the issue of homosexuality and how a small percentage of the youth feel about this much debated topic. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM What is the attitude of the youth towards homosexuality in Barbados? RATIONALE I hate chosen this topic because I wish to determine whether homosexuality among the youth is widespread in Barbados and if so what the attitude to the youth towards it is. This research should provide valuable information for policy makers who can them make informed decisions based on some factual insights. This study could also form the base for a more comprehensive study on this issue. METHOD OF INVESTIGATION Information will be gained through a literature review from local newspapers. In addition to this a questionnaire will be distributed among a sample of students from the Christ Church Foundation School. My reason for choosing this method of investigation is to determine how the local population feel about the issues through an analysis from the daily nation and the sample of Christ Church Foundation Students because they are accessible and it is also an inexpensive method of gaining the information OBJECTIVES By the end of this research I want to examine whether homosexuality among the youth in Barbados is as wide spread among the youth as the literature would have us believe. I also want to gain some insight as to how students of the 15-17 age group feel about homosexuality among the youth in Barbados. INSTRUMENT USED TO COLLECT DATA LETTER TO STUDENTS Dear Fellow Student THE ATTITUDE OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TOWARDS HOMOSEXUALITY AMONG THE YOUTH IN BARBADOS This survey is part of the requirement for the School Based Assessment in Social Studies. I have chosen the above topic because I want to examine whether homosexuality among the youth in Barbados is as wide spread among the youth as the literature would have us believe. I also want to gain some insight as to how students of the 15-17 age group feel about homosexuality among the youth in Barbados. I am seeking your assistance in the completion of the questionnaire. Your name was randomly selected from the complete list of all the students in the fifth year at the school. Do not place your name on the questionnaire. Please answer all the questions honestly and truthfully. Remember this is not a test there is no right and wrong answers. When completed, place the questionnaire in the self addressed envelope and return it to the Secretary Treasurer’s office within two weeks from the date given. All information will be strictly confidential and will be used only for the stated purpose. Thank you for kind participation.

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